Over the past month, we've been pretty busy at #OrthotropicEngineering! In addition to the design, analysis and consultancy services we continue to provide, we've managed to fit in the manufacture of a large number of glass/epoxy test panels and cast resin testpieces.
It's a lot of work, but we're certain that the findings of our test programme, which compares the effects of seawater immersion on a wide range of resin systems, will be of great benefit in particular to customers in the marine renewables sector.
Fitting in this production alongside the 'day job' of course means we've had to get pretty organised with our manufacturing, as evidenced by the pre-cut fabric and vacuum consumable kits in the picture above. Continuing with the current rate of production, we'll be through the panel manufacturing phase within a week, and that's when the fun really starts!
The cast resin testpieces will be measured for mass and density before entering our conditioning tanks: Here, they'll be immersed in both natural seawater and deionised water at a steady 45 Celcius. This will enable us to understand their moisture uptake characteristics. Meanwhile, the glass/epoxy panels will be used to manufacture test coupons: These will be subject to a variety of mechanical tests both before and after moisture conditioning.
Keep an eye on our news page for regular updates and of course feel free to contact us if you have further questions.